The All-Stars Prevention Group is a group developed by the Surry County Substance Abuse Prevention Office to engage community members to join our efforts to combat substance abuse.
The All-Stars Prevention Group has regular meetings with no minimum participation requirements. The meetings are usually at 5 pm, at a pre-determined date, at a local restaurant or a community meeting room. Communication is maintained by email to all members.
You can be added to the email group membership and simply read the activities and progress of the All-Stars without a requirement of attending the meetings. Surry County Substance Abuse will soon begin to offer training webinars about substance abuse and prevention to members of the All-Stars Group.
The goal of this group is to promote emotional health and wellness, prevent or delay the onset of and complications from substance abuse and mental illness, and identify and respond to emerging behavioral health issues.
Mission: Become part of the solution through promoting awareness, enhancing understanding and changing perceptions of substance abuse in Surry County through public advocacy.
The All-Stars Prevention Group is a calling. Stand up, be counted, protect the innocent and speak for those who’ve lost their voice. To get something we’ve never had, we’ll have do something we’ve never done.
If you would like more information about the All-Stars Prevention Group, or would like to be added to our group email to receive updates on our training and meetings, please contact Charlotte Reeves at 336-401-8218, 336-366-9064 or reevesc@co.surry.nc.us